SERGIO CRUZ Pozuelo Cabezón
Born in Seville, Spain, 13.10.1973
C / Virgen de la Piedad 30.
41809. Albaida del Aljarafe Sevilla
474 656 097-954 11 September 1946, mail:
Lives and works in their studies Alba Sevilla Casas de Haro, Cuenca
C / Velarde, 6 Albaida, Sevilla. Spain
C / San José, 30 Casas de Haro. Cuenca. Spain
University study
-Ldo. Fine Arts, Painting, Design, Sculpture, University of Sevilla.España
PhD-courses in the specialty of drawing. Sevilla.España
"Second stage of art history. Sevilla.España University
, Dipl. Applied Arts, Sculpture Casting specialties, Design Publicitario.Sevilla. Spain
-Course Pedagogical Adaptation. Sevilla.España
-Erasmus Scholarship at the University of Nantes.Francia
University Extension Course, University of Seville, "an Egyptian hieroglyphic system Level I". Faculty of Philology Clasica.Universidad Sevilla.España
University Extension Course, University of Seville, "Morphology of the human anatomy artisitc" Faculty of Fine Artes.Universidad of Sevilla.España
University Extension Course, University of Huelva. "Doñana. Patrimonio Historico" Huelva.España
University Extension Course, University of Huelva. "Doñana.Arte and Nature". Huelva.España
Archaeology-University Course Olavide.Carmona Pablo, Seville. "The city within City "Carmona. Sevilla.España
"Course of the UNIA (Universidad Internacional de Andalucia) based La Rabida." The Myth of the Century Building Historia.Medio Tartessos "Palos de la Frontera.Huelva.España
"Course" as a binder interdisciplinary drawing: music, literature, expression body ... "CEADE (Centro Andaluz business studies)
- Leonardo da Vinci Scholarship archaeological restoration in Rethymno, Greece.
- Inarsa. Congress of contemporary art at the Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo. Sevilla.España
"Congress," The experience built aesthetic, cultural changes for an end of the millennium ", Friends of the Country and cooperation with CAAC. Sevilla.España
"Congress," Museum and contents ", Friends of the Country and cooperation with CAAC. Sevilla.España
-Course on "Advertising", Friends of the Country and cooperation with CAAC. Sevilla.España
"Training Workshop" Current Validity and Drawing "Surveyors Foundation, Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporaneo (CAAC) Sevilla.España
Photography Forum-II, surrealism and visual poetry, June 2008.24-25 FOTOCYTON 2008.Ateneo of Provincial Malaga.Org Malaga.España.
-Seminar "Andalucia: An image in Europe (1830-1929)" June 3 to 4 2008.Consejeria of the Presidency of the Junta de Andalucia, Instituto de Estudios Andaluces.Sevilla.España
- Bindery and restoration of old books. May-June 1999.Biblioteca Alberto Lista. Sevilla.España
Craft-Course "Ceramica" August 1994.Fundacion Luis Cernuda. Diputacion Provincial.Sevilla.España
-2008 .- Laboratory Artisit "Desires" Instituto Bilingue "Amos Johannes Cornelius 2008.Trento May 29. Italy
Laboratory -2008 Artisit "Desires" Juvenile Detention Center "The Alcores" Carmona, Sevilla.España
-2008 .- "My Silversmiths and I" (Action Colegio Público Santa Teresa). Homenaje Literatura.Instalaciòn Nobel Prize on the occasion of the first conference of the Local Heritage Albaida del Aljarafe. Sevilla.España
First Director of the local Heritage Days of Aljarafe Albaida. Sevilla.España. Made 23. 24 25. October
Creation of the historic route of the Villa de Albaida del Aljarafe. Sevilla.España occasion of the First Conference of Local Heritage its opening in October 2008
Creating Literary Route de la Villa de Albaida del Aljarafe. Sevilla.España occasion of the First Conference of Local Heritage its opening in October 2008
Selected .-.- -2005 painting prize city of Almonte. Huelva.España
- 2005 .- Umbrete.Sevilla.España villa Painting Prize
-2003 - Awarded Andalucía Arts and Sport. Board of Tourism and Sports of the JA
-2003 - Third Place University of Alicante. Spain
Selec-2003-National Arts Award, University of Sevilla.España
-2003-Select City Painting Prize Chiclana. Cádiz.España
IV-2003-Select City Painting Prize Galdakao.España
XIII-2003-Select Painting Prize Cerezo Moreno Villargordo.Jaen.España
XVI-2003-Selecionada Award Francisco Pradilla painting. Gallego.Zaragoza.España Villanueva del Ayuntamiento
-2003-Select Painting Prize Langreo-Asturias. Spain
-2003-Honorable Mention Award of Engraving Gallery Club Antares. Sevilla.España
-2001 - Select in Painting and Printmaking Award (both disciplines) City of Alcalá de Guadaira. Sevilla. Spain
-2000 - Select. Miguel Sandoval Painting Prize. Lora del Rio. Sevilla.España
-2000-Andalusian Art and Sport. Council of Tourism and Sport JA
-2000-Emilio Painting Prize Nominee Ollero. Jaén. Spain
-2000-Select in the national arts award University of Seville. Spain
-2000-Select in Painting Prize Ubrique City. Cádiz. Spain
-1999-Nominated in National Contest of Painting City Chiclana . Cadiz
-1999-Select. Andalusian Art and Sport. Council. Tourism and Sports, JA
-1999-Select. Painting in Montreuil-Bellay. France.
-1998 - First Prize World AIDS Day Design, Health Council of the Junta de Andalucía. Spain
Expo-1998-youth. Congress and Exhibition Sevilla.España
-1995.Diploma "The Passion" April 1995 Callosa de Segura. Alicante .. Spain
-1994-94 Honorable Mention Mercator. Malaga. Ministry of Industry of the Government of Andalusia. Spain
- 2008 ..- "My Silversmiths and I" (Paintings). Tribute to Nobel Prize Literatura.Torre of Don Frederic. Albaida del Aljarafe. Sevilla.España
-2008 .- "My Silversmiths and I" (Pictures). Homenaje Literatura.Instalaciòn Nobel Prize. Albaida del Aljarafe. Sevilla.España
"Bodegon Holadés" .- Galeria San Vicente 21, Sevilla. Spain. (From September 9 to October 2, 2008)
-2008 .- "Baroque." The miracles of the Court Chamber of Marbella Màlaga.España English (June 1908)
-2008 .- "Flamenco" Flamenco Dance Studio Academy Antonete (Expsocion permanent collection.) Sevilla.España
-2008 .- "Dutch vase" Olivares City Council May 22 to June 10. Sevilla.España
-2008 .- Works Painting scenery for the Elderly of Gisalba Teatro.Mayo.Centro. Bergamo Italy
-2008 .- "Meninas" Gallery Gallery of Sevilla in Marbella, Malaga. Spain (Marzo.)
- 2007 .- "Patterns" Lebrija Sevilla.España Mercy Hall
-2007 .- "Art vs. Fashion" Galeria Blitz. Palma de Mallorca.España (October-November)
-2007 - "Tribute to the Baroque" Olivares, (June) Sevilla.España
-2007 .- "Terrace" Hotel Ritz Madrid .. Spain (March)
- 2006 .- "Patterns" gallery Belgamboxer. (November) Sevilla.España
-2006 "Meninas" Olivares Baroque Market (June) Hall of Olivares, Sevilla.España
- 2005 - Town Hall Planimetries Sevilla.España Olivares
-2005 Planimetries, House Culture of Valencia de la Concepción, Sevilla .. Spain (October)
-2005 - Baroque Market Olivares. .. Sevilla Spain (June)
-2005 .- Antares club Sevilla.España Paintings (November)
- 2004. "" Meninas "Dic04-January 1905. Hotel-Hacienda Benazuza. The Bully. Sanlucar la Mayor. Sevilla.España
-2004 - "Mandrake." From September 24 to October 8, Casa de la Cultura of GALDAKANO Vizcaya.España
-2004 .- "Paintings" Salteras Organized by City Council, Department of Culture and made particular room den "Salteras Sevilla.España
-2004 - "Cats & Dogs" 6-15 September. Bonares Teatro Colon. Huelva.España
-2004 - "Cats." From November 15 to 30. Belgamboxer Gallery. Sevilla.España
-2004 - "South" -24 to 31 August-Hacienda Hotel Benazuza. "The Bully. Sanlucar la Mayor Sevilla.España
-2004 - "Meninas" Baroque Market Olivares. In the Ducal Palace. Olivares Current City Council. Seville, Spain ..
-2004-Munarco. "Icons" Congress and Exhibition Sevilla.España
Actual-2004-Contemporary Art Gallery. "In Greece". Madrid.España
-2004-Universidad de Sevilla. Faculty of History and Art. "Japanese Prints"
Gallery-2004-Mary Alexiou. "Lilium". Athens. Greece
-2003-Chambers of the Palace of the Conde Duque de Olivares. "Shroud". Ayuntamiento de Olivares. Sevilla. Spain
-2003-Expo "Flamenco" in the early days Hispano-Hellenic Association of Athens, Embassy of Spain and University of Athens, Greece
-2003-Division of the Province House. "Archaeological Site" Fundación Amigos de Italica. Diputación Provincial de Sevilla. Spain
-2003 - "Tango Cruz" at the Academy of Tango in Greece. Athens, Greece
- 2002 - Gallery Club Antares .- "Greece" - Sevilla. Spain
Munarco-2002-2002. "Panagias Greek" Conference and Expo in Seville, Spain ..
-2001-New Art Gallery-"Swimming in You" - Sevilla.España
Munarco-2001-2001. "Angeles" Conference and Exhibition in Seville Spain ..
-2000-From August 25 to 29 Exhibition Sergio Cruz paintings at City Hall Casas de Haro. Cuenca. Spain
-2000-Technical School of Architecture. Universidad de Sevilla. Spain
-2000-Munarco-2000-Congress and Exhibition in Seville. Spain
-1999-Cofrade Art Show. Munarco. Carmen Cabezón stand. Conference and Exhibition Sevilla.España
-1999-II International Tango Contest. June 2008 Casino Exhibition. .. Spain Sevilla
-1999 .- "Give me a kiss and tell me your name" Post June 2 to 30 1999.Biblioteca Alberto Lista. Sevilla. Spain
-1999 - Cultural Center of the City of Sevilla .. Spain (La Buhaira. 1 to 15 May 1999)
-1999 - Cultural Center of the City of Sevilla .. Spain (San Julián 22 to 26 March 1999)
-1994-hall of the City of Salteras. 2 to 5 June 1998.Sevilla.España
-1994-Olivares Ivy Cultural Association. March 24 to 26 of 1994.Sevilla.España
-1992-Casa de la Cultura de Albaida del Aljarafe. 10 to 17 June 1992. Sevilla.España
-1992.IES Aljarafe .. (Cultural Week) Sanlucar la Mayor. Sevilla.España
-2008 .- Miscellaneous .- Youth 2008.Albergue February by the City Council Cordoba.Organizado Cordoba.España
-2007.-International Horse Fair, September, Manchester. Spain (Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions)
-2007 .- "Pica pica" Gallery, The Gallery Seville. Spain (October)
-2007 .- Contemporary Art Fair Zaragoza.España (Gallery Belgamboxer. September. Auditorium)
-2007. "Artesevilla" Contemporary Art Fair Sevilla.España (Gallery Belgamboxer. Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions.)
-2006 .- "Ecumediterranea" International Horse Malaga Septiembre.Palacio Conference and Exhibition Malaga.España
-2005 .- "Urban Pisaj" City of Umbrete, Spain (Selected Painting Contest)
-2005.-April 15 to May 8 Ciecema Almonte. Huelva.España
-2004 - "Meninas and cats," December. Supermarket of Art in Barcelona, Spain.
-2004 - "Abstractions". 9-15 October, Universidad Popular de Zafra, Badajoz.España
-2004 - "Match-2" from 3 to 12 Sep, Palacio del Conde Duque de Olivares Olivares.Ayuntamiento. Sevilla.
-2004-Warehouse Club Antares. Sevilla. Spain.
-2004-17-22 May-"Meninas" Conservatorio Professional Music. Almendralejo.Badajoz.España
-2004-Hotel Al Andalus Palace. Sevilla. Spain
-2004-Count-Duke of Olivares in his Palace. City Council Olivares Sevilla.España
-2004 Athens Art Space. Mary Alexiou. Athens, Greece
-2004-Casa de la Cultura de Albaida. Andalucía Day "new visions Traditionalists" With Maria Brunettes.
-2004-Casa de la culture Maimona. Badajoz.España (With Maria Brunettes)
-2004 - Gallery Europeans Mackers Meninas in Amsterdam. Netherlands
Garduño-2004-Gallery. Sevilla. Spain
Actual-2004-Contemporary Art. Madrid. Spain
-2004-Yiayianos Gallery. Athens, Greece
Gallery-2004-Cristian Franco. Badajoz. Spain.
-2004-Tower Art Gallery Agora-Athens. Greece
-2004-Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporary. Collaboration with Victorio and Luchino exposure 25 years. (Pintado pants). Sevilla.España
-2003-Faculty of Fine Arts. Sevilla.España
-2003 - "Artesevilla Fair Seville Art Club Gallery of Art. Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions. Spain
-2003-Cultural House Chiclana, Cádiz. Spain.
Gallery-2003-Mackers Europeans. Amsterdam, Netherlands
-2003-Agora Gallery Art Tower, Small is Art Athens, Greece
-2003-Sala Santa Marina. "Natures" Sparkasse Badajoz. Zafra with artist Maria Blanco Brunettes
-2003-Athens-Art-Space Mary Alexiou. Athens, Greece
-2003-Meeting of Andalusian and Cuban artists, La Habana, Cuba.
-2002 - Gallery Club Antares. Sevilla Spain
-2002 - "Artesevilla" Seville Art Fair Art Club Gallery. Congress and Expo Sevilla.
Gallery-2001-Sargadelos, Sevilla.España.
-2001 - New Art Gallery Sevilla.España.
-2001 - "Artesevilla" Seville Art Fair New Art Gallery. Conference and Exhibition Sevilla.España.
-2001 - Gallery Art Club. Sevilla.España.
-2001 - "Sculptures" final year students of Fine Arts Exhibition Hall in the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Sevilla.España.
-2000-Uniarte. Faculty of Fine Arts Sevilla.España.
-2000-Club Antares. Sevilla.España.
-2000-Pavilion of Spain at the World Exhibition in Hanover. Germany
-2000-Giennenses Study Center. Jaén. Spain
-2000 - Casa de la Cultura Sevilla.España Lora del Rio
-2000 - Casa de la Cultura Ciudad de Chiclana, Cádiz.España
-2000 - Casa de la Cultura Ubrique. Cadiz.España
-1999-Delegations of Tourism. Andalucía.España Board
-1999-End Jobs Carrera.Pabellón of Uruguay. Students of Applied Arts. Sevilla.España
, 1999-November 1999Club Antares. Sevilla.España
-1998-Expojuventud-December 19-January 3, 1999. Congress and Exhibition Sevilla.España.
"Wall Paintings and Ceramics in Capilla de la Vera Cruz de Albaida del Aljarafe. Sevilla.España
-Paint Ceramics in Calle Cervantes, Juan Ramon Jimenez and Virgen del Rocio de Albaida del Aljarafe. Sevilla.España
"Cortijo del Duque de Ahumada in Villamartin Cádiz. Spain.
"Victorio and Luchino House in the Sierra Cazalla Sevilla. Spain.
D-House. Pozuelo Angel Albaida. Sevilla. Spain
And restoration of frescos in Rethimnon. Greece
-Coat and skirt for the Virgen de las Nieves Benacazón. Sevilla.España
"Al-Andalus Hotel Seville. (Suites Main) Spain Silken
-Hotel Ritz Madrid.España.
"Hotel Puerta America (Silken) of Madrid.España.
-Hotel Vertice, Seville. (Input) Spain.
"Flamenco Dance Studio Academy Antoñete. . Sevilla.España
"Tango Academy of Athens, Greece.
"See the Guide to Andalusian Flamenco FLAME (See Aracena) Huelva.España.
-South Aires Stock Victorio and Luchino, Fashion Gaudi in Barcelona 2002 and exhibition in the Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo. Sevilla.España
"Drawings and prints in the Department of Design, Faculty of Fine Arts University of Sevilla.España.
"Painting at the Faculty of Architecture Sevilla.España Technical University
"Painting in the Student Faculty of Art History at the University of Sevilla.España.
-University of Minsk, Belarus
-University of Alicante. Spain
- UNIA International University of Andalucia, Headquarters La Rabida. Palos de la Frontera.Huelva.España
-Paul University Cultural Olavide.Centro Carmona.Sevilla.España
-Host: Colombia, Chile, Brazil, Mexico, Finland, Spain, in Athens. Greece
-Embassy of Spain in Cairo. Egypt
-Instituto Cervantes de El Cairo, Athens, Brussels
-Spanish Consulate in Amsterdam. Netherlands
- Libraries Cervantes Institute of Athens (Greece)
"International Library of Alexandria. (Egypt)
-Film Museum in Athens. Greece
-Benaki Museum in Athens. Greece
Athletics-Museum of Athens. Greece
"Epigraphic Museum in Athens. Greece
Atináis-Cultural Center. Athens. Greece
Ipocratio-Hospital of Athens, Greece
-Fundación Blas Infante de Lebrija. Sevilla.España
-City of Valencia de la Concepción. Sevilla.España
Intercultural Relations, Department of the Junta de Andalucía. Sevilla.España
"Councils in Albaida del Aljarafe, Olivares, Casas de Haro (Cuenca), GALDAKANO (Vizcaya). Spain
City of Saint Amand-Sur Sevres. Fancia
-Conservatory of Music in Seville. Spain
And Gallery in the city of Athens, Greece
-Recorded Library in Timbuktu all delegations of the Government of Andalusia. Spain
-Ministry of Tourism and Sport. Andalucia.Málaga.España
-Museo Casa Barragán, Mexico.
Convent of the White Fathers of Olivares.ASESUPRO.Olivares.Sevilla.España
-2 Works Shroud of Aljarafe Hospital, San Juan de Dios, Bormio, Sevilla.España.
Child-Center "The Alcores" Carmona.Sevilla.España
-Senior Center Gisalba, Bergamo. Italy
-Monasterio Santa Maria de los Milagros de La Rabida. Huelva.España Palos de la Frontera
"Museum" Juan Ramon Jimenez oundation "Moguer.Huelva.España
Barenboim-Said Foundation for Peace.
"Fundacion Gota de leche"
Flemish-Andaluza.Florencia Foundation. Italy (Pilar Carmona Flamenco School)
Alzheimer's Association, "Virgen de Gracia" Carmona.Sevilla.España
- "From the Humility" for the association Paz Y Bien, Santiponce. Sevilla (Illustration)
"BABYLON, regional television program Baleares. November 15, 1908
"News of the Balearic Islands regional TV, versus Art Exhibition Gallery Fashion Blitz
Diario de Mallorca, Diari de Balears, Ultima Hora and El Mundo de Mallorca, Day 27 October 2008. Blitz Gallery, Sergio Cruz.
Teruel Luque, Andrés .- Effective on the Vanguards of Painting Sevillana, ED. Art Gallery Concha Pedrosa. Sevilla
Lebrija Journal Digital. Sergio Cruz Prints Exhibition
-Catalog-current status and force of surveyors Dibujo.Fundacion Sevilla in September 2008.
Catalog IX-National Award for Painting "Doñana and its surroundings" 2005